Get ready to enjoy the Christmas Tails of the Final Follies end of the 2015 season. The date is December 12-13 at Valley Mills, Texas.
C Bar Ranch has been our final ride venue for the past few years due to its location and variety of trails. Kris Maley is the Trail Master – expect an eventful and scenic route.
It will be a two day affair with Nancy Williams as the Senior Judge and Ride Managers Kris Maley & Ann Stacy. You can expect lots of hilarity and jollies as the year draws to a close.
Electric sites are taken at this time with a waiting list. Primitive camping is free. Generators are allowed.
Keep in mind, all dogs must be on a lead. Sorry, Sophie!! 
Shoes are highly recommended. Proof of negative Coggins required and will be checked at registration check-in.
Last year we had some weather concerns BUT as in Texas – the weather changed for the better. We will ride unless it’s lightning or storming. Don’t let the weather discourage you. Sunday ‘s ride will be a shorter distance. We are having a chef cook meals:
Friday evening – chili and the fixin’s. $7
Saturday breakfast – eggs, biscuits, gravy, meat (sausage and/or bacon), coffee. $7
Saturday dinner – chicken fried steak with all the fixin’s!! $12
Sunday breakfast – tacos. $7
Let Kris know if you are buying meals so they can plan accordingly!!

We are having a special forest green long sleeve shirt created specially for this ride. If you are interested, prepay & let Ann Stacy know your size as they will be in your ride packet. They are $20 – 100% cotton (slight shrinkage).
Door prizes – Silent auction for handmade quilt – 3 raffle items.
Ornament Exchange on Saturday will be hosted by Sybil Eagan! Expect great fun!!
More updates to follow!!! Get ready for some Christmas festivities !
If you have any questions please contact either:
Kris Maley – [email protected]
Ann Stacy – [email protected]