As I write this, we have a new location/ride coming up this weekend, hosted by RM’s Leah Lynch and Greg Dial, at Inks Ranch near Llano. It is always exciting to see a new ride calendar, and where the possibilities can take us. In 2024, we have two more new venues to look forward to. Some folks choose which rides to attend due to proximity or what works for their calendar. Personally, I love trying out rides at new locations. Those of you who attended Nancy Fenimore’s and my ride, South Texas Shootout, would know we stopped after 6 years because it was time to build our family ranch house. I am passing the torch of newsletter editor at the end of this year, and cutting back on club activities, to finally see this house project to fruition. Ginny Mayfield and Jean Wilson have expressed interest in continuing our newsletters, thank you both! A QR code has been created to access TTCC website and can be found at the bottom of this page.
It is Election Time…applications for the three open positions (all three-year terms) must be received by October 1, and to receive application contact Tiffany at [email protected]. Open positions include Membership Director, Judges Director and Ride Director. The following outlines the election timeline. Voting details will be made available in October newsletter, as well as on FB.
Once you have your application submitted with Tiffany, you will have an opportunity to speak at both October rides, Cactus Two Step and Wyatt Ranch Wanderer.
Voting begins November 1st, ballot process to be announced.
Following the end of the voting period, results will be announced at the General Meeting scheduled during the Salute to the Troops ride weekend. Newly elected board members will begin sitting in on monthly board conference calls, and formally seated on the Board at Celebration, January 27, 2024, in Maxdale. Outgoing directors step down with a vote of appreciation.
Remember, the next GENERAL MEETING will be at Salute to the Troops in November. Look forward to seeing you there! Ann
CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER UPDATE…the menu is Chicken Alfredo. Riders and non-riders will pay 15.00/head for the meal, and the ride fee is 67.00/rider, plus camping and riding fees to Parrie Haynes Ranch.
From Greg Dial, Judge’s Director…following the Christmas party, a Judge’s workshop and meeting will be held on Sunday, December 17.
2024 Buckle series rides announced…the following rides are those which qualify you for the buckle series, and more details about this will be announced in a future newsletter, from Karen Pantel, Ride Director…
The Smiley Ride, East Tx Equifest, Camp Reveille, Hog Wild, Wild West Wrangle and Salute to the Troops
The Board also submitted these kind words to Kim and me…”. We want to thank Gayna for her efforts in keeping our members up to date. She stepped up to become the newsletter editor at the end of 2022. She has done a wonderful job and we are excited about her next project! Gayna, send us pictures of your building progress! “
“Kim Gehring and Josey will be retiring from her Camp Life articles. She graciously agreed to share her experiences and lessons learned as she and Josey travelled various trails. Her articles were well received and enjoyed by many. Thank you, Kim and Josey”…the TTCC Board of Directors
Happy trails, friends, the pleasure has been mine! Gayna